Saturday, March 6, 2010

Green product: Greener Gadgets shows trends in eco-friendly devices advertisement


On February 25, the Greener Gadgets conference will take place in New York. Each year, this conference encourages the debate about the “green” gadgets industry by means of several presentations and a contest of ideas for new eco-friendly products.

The finalists of the competition were already announced, and it’s possible to deduce some trends regarding the future of “green” gadgets and their impact on our society.

* GO Charger


One of the most voted gadgets in this contest is a friction-activated charger for mobile phones. It comes with a wheel as the element to be rubbed against any surface. Definitively, a very interesting product (see the video).

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* Fair energy clock


The “Fair energy clock” is a smart device that can be configured to provide power to a system or gadget during certain moments of the day, and afterwards, it is able to suspend the supply of electricity. Users only need to configure it once. That way, they can save energy in a very easy manner.

This is an idea of the Argentinean industrial designer Santiago Cantera.

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* Smart Grid Home Controller


It is a small device that takes the data provided by a smart electrical grid (or network). A Wi-Fi connection is used for this purpose. Based on certain events that have been configured by the users of the smart electrical network, this controller is able to generate signs to turn off some gadgets and appliances that are not being used. So, they can be disconnected and you can save money and energy.

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